Many know that parrots scream and that they are loud, but sometimes it is hard to actually grasp just how loud some parrots can be. Have you ever been out in public and you’ve heard a toddler or young child throw a tantrum and scream? Now imagine having this in your home and hearing it almost daily. Not many people can cope with this noise and often they resort to rehoming their parrot. This is obviously quite stressful for the bird as they will no longer be around the family they know and sometimes they resort to plucking their feathers. This is why it is crucial to do research and have the first-hand experience with any of the birds on this list before choosing to buy or adopt one.
1. Any cockatoo species; especially the larger species 2. Macaws 3. African Greys 4. Indian Ringnecks 5. Conure species such as the sun conure, Jenday, Mitrid, and Patagonian 6. Amazons 7. Eclectus
Many species on this list are also the most sought-after species in the avian pet trade. And many of these exact same species are also the most rehomed in the world! It is very important that you make an informed decision before bringing any of these species into your home. Having a loud bird can be extremely stressful and cause tension in the household. You do not want to make a decision you will regret.